The Art of Raising an Adventure kid- a Mother’s Perspective

Some think it’s a little selfish.

My son gets to do whatever I do, there’s not many places I won’t take Heathy.

Some think he’s too young, 
I dont.
I think it would be selfish not too.

I have many solo adventures, when I can, I make sure he’s involved.

We plan our camping trips together, we talk about what we need, we search google and youtube, we research where we can go, we research our chosen area.
Technology is very much part of our children’s live’s, and we have the opportunity to teach them to use it in positive ways, not solely for games and social media.
We talk about the animals we may see, where they may be hiding, why their habitats are the way they are. 
We talk about why me must protect our environment and what he can do to help. He understands the ‘Leave No Trace’ principles.

We talk about the dangers of trekking and exploring. 
We talk about what the weather might do, what  we need to do if things don’t go as planned.
Heathy knows how to use my phone in an emergency. He can use the emergency app. 
He learns more and more each time.
He soaks up knowledge, wide eyed and with a thirst for detail.
 I believe as parents we place so much importance on what can go wrong, we actually forget that so much goes right when we spend time with our kids playing, exploring and engaging in the outdoors. 
 Jumping in puddles, playing in the dirt, exploring and seeking adventure all leave a lasting impression on children.
I believe teaching him about the great outdoors will help him become a natural leader, a person confident in making decisions and also a teenager and eventually an adult  confident in himself.   
The knowledge he learns he passes on to others.

 I love when he see’s something in the bush and explains to his mates why it happens, or exactly what it is.

My reward is that I’m teaching my child things he won’t learn in school, behind a desk or computer.  


 The smile on my face is wide when he says ‘Remember that time Mum when’ and laughs hysterically about one of our crazy little adventures.

Even little adventures have the ability to turn into epic memories for a child.
We all have such stories. 
He still talks about stacking his bike and getting a stick in his ? and how he just had to keep going…..albeit  because he was built so tough. ( I’m sure he takes after his Mum ).
Heathy spends a lot of time with adventurers and explorers of all ages and I think he’s a better person for it
He’s confident, bubbly and a little cheeky.

  He’s kind, compassionate, thoughtful and inquisitive

I think that’s how you can raise an adventure kid. 
Get the kids involved, let them help plan and pack for your adventures
The lessons learned and moments shared in the outdoors and on an adventure can only support the building of their skills and confidence in life.   